【グラブル】スパルシ(ルシゼロ) マグナ 水剣豪 /【GBF】Dark Rapture Zero Magna Water Kengo

【グラブル】スパルシ(ルシゼロ) マグナ 水剣豪  /【GBF】Dark Rapture Zero Magna Water Kengo

We use shield summons to extend Europa sk2 for as long as possible.

– Haaselia sk4 required.
– There are other characters that could work such as Vajra/Andira, Vajra/Mirin, or Shalem/Dragon but I am showing the standard safe comp.
– Best Sac Charas in descending is Summer Jalter, Vane, Kolulu, Vaseraga.
– SR Joel can revive any character that dies, and swaps them back.

– Celestial Harp could be replaced with another Celestial Weapon.
– Draconic can be Fire Reduction, but not necessary.

– We are using Gabriel Call and Shield summons to prolong Europa sk2 duration.
– Gabriel can be replaced with Yatima or another shield summon like Zeus/Nobiyo.

0:00 – Start
3:05 – 80%
5:32 – 60%
12:44 – 20%
16:54 – Battle Logs

受け継がれる真説 – DystopiaGround
瓦礫の中、沈黙ありて – DystopiaGround
∧ugΦEidEs – DystopiaGround

#GBF #スパルシ #ルシゼロ #グラブル


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