【グラブル】スパバハ 水ソロ (ドクターフレズヴェルク、トリプルゼロなし) / Super Ultimate Bahamut Water Solo (Doctor Hrae, no 000)

【グラブル】スパバハ 水ソロ (ドクターフレズヴェルク、トリプルゼロなし) / Super Ultimate Bahamut Water Solo (Doctor Hrae, no 000)

Credits to @Mechayu for the original hrae solo,

this was my poverty budget version attempt to recreate anything he did. it was a lot of effort and I will do a detailed writeup soon

Opus is on extremity –
I do not recommend this strategy with this grid, it is quite the roller caster though doable, I hope someone finds an easier way to approach this.

The main takeaway compared to the originalv ideo is I am significantly weaker hence the grid being signficantly weaker, along with a more higher turn count for any attempt at something similar.

the deadliest part was post 50, you have to take a gamble with 12 skills and eat echo’d autos head on and chance it. There just isn’t any other way you can approach that safely.


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