【グラブル】天元 水剣豪 エウロペ(リミテッド) / 【GBF】Hexachromatic Hierarch Water Kengo ft. Grand Europa

【グラブル】天元 水剣豪 エウロペ(リミテッド)  / 【GBF】Hexachromatic Hierarch Water Kengo ft. Grand Europa

0:00 – Wamdus/Galleon
2:13 – 2M×9 Hits Omen
3:13 – Wilnas/Ewiyar
4:50 – 2M×12 Hits Omen
5:30 – Lu Woh/Fediel
6:53 – 2M×15 Hits Omen
8:31 – Iridis Liberatio
8:53 – Sky Dragons’ Trial
9:50 – 40% to 15% phase
12:39 – 15% to 0% phase

This is the team I use for hexa. I’m a sad water main with no Vajra so I had to look for other alternatives to use in my team. Europa is really great and has great synergy with Filene. Her charge attack is great too cause it buffs the team’s TA by 50%. Aside from those, her s3 when timed well with the double strike with s4 after 40% helps push damage by a lot. There’s also no need to bring Alexiel summon and can slot in Gabriel instead cause her s2 buff can help pass through 40% with Gabriel call. No need to guard too, assuming the boss is debuffed.

The only problem I have with this team is probably the lack of dispel, as there is a 3-dispel omen during 40-15. I have two ways of dealing with that, first is just call Triple Zero (if Paradise Lost is up), or eat the omen with guard. The debuffs inflicted are easily outhealed and the fated chain bar is not really a problem since this is a kengo team, assuming I can take another turn and do ougi before 15% so I have to be careful.

This is how I usually deal with the omens for each respective dragon phases.

36 hits – Haaselia s3 – s3 – attack with ougi off
5 CA – attack with ougi on (if done correctly, the team’s CB meters are all filled up when getting this omen)

4 TA – Haaselia s3 – s3 – attack with ougi off (the team has enough TA thanks to Europa’s ougi buff)
FC – do FC (as much as possible, during this phase I try not to use FC too much since it’s possible to get this omen a lot cause the team deals too much skill damage)

(Lu Woh/Fediel)
5 Skills – Haaselia can contribute up to 4 skills alone but can opt to use other skills of teammates if her linked skills are down. I try to preserve as much skills as possible during this phase.
10 debuffs – Filene can take care of this alone with her s1 and s3, so take note to not press her skills for the 5-skill omen. I usually get 10-debuff omen after the 5-skills one so sometimes I mess up and eat this omen.

(Hexachromatic Hierarch)
40 hits – Haaselia s3 – Europa s3 (if it’s up) – attack with ougi off
25m dmg – either attack with ougi off or on, both can clear this omen without any skill press aside from Haaselia s3
3 dispel – Triple Zero, Yatima calling Triple Zero, or just eat it then outheal the damage per turn.

P.S. sorry for the refreshes 😩


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