【グラブル】天元たる六色の理 マグナ 水剣豪 /【GBF】Hexachromatic Hierarch Magna Water Levi x Levi

【グラブル】天元たる六色の理 マグナ 水剣豪 /【GBF】Hexachromatic Hierarch Magna Water Levi x Levi

テーセラ オメガ / Tessera Ultima Key

25% MA ultima + 12% Grid Schrodinger + 3% Haaselia/Vikala Innate TA + 5% MA Orb + 20% Moon Buff + 10% Kengo Buff + 15% Vajra + 10% HalMal = 100% TA on Haaselia/Vikala

25% MA ultima + 12% Grid Schrodinger + 6% Vajra Innate TA + 2% TA EMP + 20% Moon Buff + 10% Kengo Buff + 15% Vajra + 10% HalMal = 100% TA on Vajra

-Xeno Militis Staff can substitute for draconic slot until you get it.
-WIthout HalMal summon, swap 1 Schrodinger for Militis Bow. This will give you 100% TA until you’re below 75% hp.
-ATK20 Schrodingers works fine as ATK15, you just get more raw from 20.

-Very flexible summons besides Bubs and Gojo/FLB Alexiel being core.
-Can add Qilin for safety net but you shouldn’t need it at all.
-Baha250/Nobiyo/Grand Order/Uriel/Sariel all possible slot-ins for Yatima/Lucifer.
-HalMal slot if you don’t have can be Justice or Grand Order.

0:00 Raid
13:30 Battle Logs/EMP/Awakening/Grid



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