【グラブル】水古戦場2023? 200HELL想定 9ターン〆 浴衣アニラ /【GBF】GW70? Water NM200 9T Yukata Anila Dummy Test

【グラブル】水古戦場2023? 200HELL想定 9ターン〆 浴衣アニラ /【GBF】GW70? Water NM200 9T Yukata Anila Dummy Test

Luci250 calls takes care of 65 and 50% buff dispel.
Bubs call for 50% trigger and Qilin call can refresh buffs if they end up getting wiped later.

Damage should be fairly safe since we’re hitting ~640m on full hp 3 tefnut staff
Grid is not concrete yet, but the idea is just getting enough hp to not die and using tefnut staves for unboosted gen supp.

Wamdus summon could be replaced by Charybdis

0:00 No Refresh / リロ無し
4:46 With Refresh / リロある


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