Proof of Concept, showing clearability in worse case scenario
Run would be more smooth if light tenet was ever below 8-9.
– No wait water setup since you mash until 51% and can still kill full 10%. I only had to hold early due to light stacks being full, alive Shalem would have given an extra turn after 10% with her sk3
– Save 2nd Shalem s3 for right after tanking 75% to take minimal dmg from autos.
– Andira highly recommended over Poseidon due to t11 full heal and Andira sk2 being enough for a team ougi, if run is too fast and you’re on t10 by 75 then you can Shalem s3 a turn earlier to guarantee the full heal
– Halmal call highly recommended due to slow thors
– Varuna grid is much easier due to garrison availability and umbrellas, I personally use 2 def dingers + 2 umbrellas with no garrisons for my primal grid.
– Magna grid is non-negotiable, you want at least 75k max hp on everyone to facetank 40k plain
– Any 3t sub for 10% all works due to dingers + baha providing a lot of off-ele hp
0:00 100-51%
6:35 50-10%
7:05 dumbass bitch
7:22 50-10%
9:50 zweimal
10:12 50-10%
11:35 10% to end
14:48 Comp/Grid/Summons