[Granblue Fantasy] Lucilius Hard Solo Fire Magna Spartan / [グラブル] ルシHLソロ 火マグナスパルタ

[Granblue Fantasy] Lucilius Hard Solo Fire Magna Spartan / [グラブル] ルシHLソロ 火マグナスパルタ

Spartan’s not exactly ideal without the ability to clear overchain, but at least it’s capable of doing something with its master level bonus.

Phalanx only having the first third of the run or so to function is awful. Getting 30% armored is an alright consolation prize, but the 1T duration is terrible and Athena buff being up most of the time spoils it. At least MC has a delay.

It shouldn’t be that surprising given that MC was on a defensive class with close to no defense, but there was a serious shortage of healing in the setup. It may look unassuming, but having one Lucifer call available over the course of a raid really adds up, and that Qilin wasn’t even useful.

This was the last fire solo recorded before the update, which leaves an opportunity to be reminded of how big of a difference a summon call dispelling three stacks at a time is. Without the ability to use Beelzebub twice with turn skip, it’s not feasible to manage stacks after the two Apocalypse triggers. It’s not quite as scary as it looks, since the team was probably going to be dead if an unmitigated attack landed anyway, but there are now runs where Lucilius doesn’t even have the one stack after 10%, and that’s the one that really matters since it has the huge attack buff.

fire ship 9%/fire reactor 10%
0:00 100%
4:42 wings 50%
7:51 wings 0%
13:50 body 25% (no refresh)


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