【グラブル】スパバハ 風マグナマスカレード編成 (黒麒麟1枚、834万貢献度) / SUBHL Magna Wind Masquerade Setup (1x Qilin, 8.34M honors)

【グラブル】スパバハ 風マグナマスカレード編成 (黒麒麟1枚、834万貢献度) / SUBHL Magna Wind Masquerade Setup (1x Qilin, 8.34M honors)

Qilin is getting nerfed in 6 days time as of this posting, so not sure if Wind Luchador is viable anymore in SUBHL.

Really safe and bulky setup imo? You have 3 sources of Mirror Image, you probably won’t need to blue pot until past 75 honestly, unless your Light player is slow to put out their Thor in the event that you guys do not have a Thor bot. Qilin can actually be replaced with something else, not really a must-have but you lose out on extending Ballroom and a 900k+ honor burst. Don’t use Korwa’s S1 on herself if you cannot chain a bar summon T1, just set up S2s on others instead.

Because Crisis Crunch targets character w/ the highest HP, you could revive S.Alex/Monkey, try killing off MC leading up to 10% with the pots you still have then sacc Alex/Monkey to 10%. You’ll be able to take 1 turn past 10% that way, maybe more?

Anyway yeah, forget Robin Hood, forget Viking, just go uncap your Nio to 150 and mash your butt off.

god i love comic sans gaming

0:00 Battle Start / 開始
1:15 60 hits / 60ヒット
2:45 75% Daedalus Drive / ダイダロスドライヴ
4:00 10 debuff / 弱体効果10回
4:23 51% Omnipotent Cocoon / 創世の繭
6:45 Water 10~0% / 水10~0%
9:02 GG


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