Since I did not do any refresh, the best I can do is around this much(4.6m honor in 28 turns is very acceptable, it can probably reach 5m if last 2 turns were not below 10%)
Non tormentor seems harsh for magna player, but if you guard more often(mainly first 2 turns), you should be able to use chaos ruler instead.
The fedelta on 51% is not a blunder, it is calculated since I want to kill maria off below 50% so shalem can become frontline
Running rising force for 10% to 0 burst is probably hard to pull off for magna player, even some varuna player are having problem surviving at the start of the battle
00:00 100% – Start
03:00 Earth Tenet lowered to 8 and thor casted – Start moving
07:00 75%
11:00 51% – Omnipotent Cocoon
14:40 Qilin Burst
17:30 10% (Burst Player finish the boss)