This is definitely a setup in which I shouldn’t have chickened out on and brought Belial along instead; Ilsa in attack mode having echoes up for almost the whole fight on top of Lu Woh axe’s echoes on ougi would have given it a lot of mileage. The kill speed was still good despite that, but the Qilin was really not needed.
Debuffs aside, Ilsa’s great; there’s plenty of time to set up max stacks on both sides of her permanent buffs and she provides a good amount of extension for Geisen 3. It’s a little annoying to have to set them up again after PL trial, but it doesn’t take long relative to the turn count until end of raid at that point and 30% def for having defense mode on for a cycle or two is great.
It’s not exactly a problem, but she’s also not the most interactive character here; the only decision-making that’s involved is remembering to turn on defense mode for a bit after the boss stops dispelling, and outside of that pressing 1 and 3 as they light up covers it.
no light ship/reactor
0:00 start
8:18 wings 50%
12:54 wings 0%
18:38 body 25%