『Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising』 #32 「オリジナルサウンドトラック紹介編」

『Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising』 #32 「オリジナルサウンドトラック紹介編」



0:00 01.Then Rise
0:58 02.Spirals of Chaos
1:35 03.Where Champions Converge II
2:17 04.Such a Blue Sky
2:58 05.The Path of Duty
3:40 06.Noble Execution
4:22 07.Weißer Drache
5:03 08.Lohengrin
5:45 09.No Rain, No Rainbow!
6:26 10.Second to None
7:17 11.Party People
7:59 12.Licht
8:41 13.Arvess
9:22 14.Grynoth
10:03 15.Ares
10:45 16.Colossus
10:27 17.Yggdrasil
12:08 18.Rose Queen
12:50 19.Wings of Terror

13:31 01.Paradise Lost
14:13 02.Existence
14:54 03.Butterfly Girl
15:36 04.Macho Ultimatum
16:17 05.The Same Blue Sky
16:59 06.Peacemaker’s Wings
17:40 07.Parade’s Lust
18:22 08.The Prettiest Alchemist
19:03 09.Dance of a Thousand Years
19:45 10.Enlightener
20:26 11.Peace and Quiet
21:08 12.Illuminated World
21:49 13.Another Sky
22:31 14.Armageddon
23:12 15.Morning Light Hymnus

23:53 01.Skybound Travelers
24:35 02.Apocalypse, Taking Flight
25:16 03.Convergence
25:58 04.Shades of Black
26:19 05.Kinga Shin-nen
27:11 06.Fealty
27:52 07.Dancing Windstorm
28:34 08.Deathbound Love
29:15 09.Beyond Fate
29:57 10.Bon Voyage, I Love You
30:38 11.Dark Rapture
31:20 12.Supreme King
32:01 13.World of Chaos
32:42 14.Zero – Dawn –
33:24 15.Weight of the World (GBVS Version)
34:06 16.Heroic Beat
34:47 17.Pride
35:29 18.VERSUSIA
36:10 19.Welcome to the Parade

36:52 01.Dragon Knights
37:33 02.Platinum Sky
38:15 03.Rise to Glory
38:56 04.Face Yourself
39:38 05.New Horizons
40:19 06.Radiant Winds
41:00 07.Cloud Cradle
41:42 08.Distant Skies
42:24 09.Encounter
42:46 10.Stroke of Fate
43:27 11.Over Burst
44:09 12.Game Over
44:17 13.Coffee Break
44:58 14.Grand Bruise Battle! Part.1
45:40 15.Grand Bruise Battle! Part.2
46:21 16.Grand Bruise Battle! Part.3
47:03 17.Game Center
47:44 18.Where Champions Converge
48:34 19.GBVS Main Theme

#GranblueFantasyVersus #グランブルーファンタジーヴァーサス #GBVS #GBVSR #グラブル #Cygames #サントラ #サウンドトラック


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