I just wanted a way to keep using Vikala, this does more than kengo/onmyoji variants of vikky comps but requires 000 to clear [6 Attack].
You will take massive damage when Vikala Field is up + Faa0 has damage buff from 55% [2nd Labor] or 20% [7th labor]. Outside of these 2 specific instances, you will not take much damage and can heal up easily.
Use the following video if you want to play magna manadiver with Payila:
MC: 38.52% Grid TA + 20% Haase + 15% Beelzebub 1 Ougi + 16% MC EMP + 3% Exo Wonder + 8% Agastia Manatura Buff x2 = 100.52% TA
Shalem: 38.52% Grid TA + 50% Passive + 20% Haase = 100% TA
Vikala: 38.52% Grid TA + 30% Celestial & Ultima + 20% Haase + 3% Exo Wonder + 4% Balanced Awakening + 3% Base = 98.52% TA + 2% Ring or Earring = 100% TA
Haaselia: 38.52% Grid TA + 30% Celestial & Ultima + 20% Haase + 3% Exo Wonder + 4% Balanced Awakening + 3% Base + 5% Domain = 103.52% TA
– With Vikala Field, Ougi Off Attack does ((3×4)+4)*4=64 hits before button clicks.
– Without Vikala Field, Ougi Off Attack does ((3×3)+4)*4=52 hits before button clicks.
– Make sure you have Haase3 Buff and Full Moon when doing hit omens and TA omens
T1: Use Shalem3 + All MC Skills + All Apple Skills. If Shalem doesn’t have Red Apple, we can wait until first 000 call before using Shalem2
Try to not activate 60% Yellow Apple until after [6 Attack] is cleared, preferably on [35m Damage] so we can skip 1 turn with Shalem3 after clearing [10 Debuffs]
Try to save Shalem3 for your first turn after 20%, it is okay to use up Qilin for this if you don’t want to wait for [7th labor] to be cleared
0:00 Start
2:18 80%
3:41 60%
8:03 20%
10:59 Battle Logs
Welcome to the PARADE! – Vikala (Atsumi Tanezaki)
7日間かけて世界を創るより可愛い女の子1人創った方がいい – Cagliostro (Sakura Tange)
期待はしないで – bassy feat. chika
#GBF #スパルシ #ルシゼロ #グラブル