Hecate (Summer) Showcase! Dark magna vs Lumi M3- Granblue Fantasy 【グラブル】水着ヘカテー フルオート 闇属性マグナ

Hecate (Summer) Showcase! Dark magna vs Lumi M3- Granblue Fantasy 【グラブル】水着ヘカテー フルオート  闇属性マグナ

Inb4 the video gets taken down foe being too lewd, lol.
Hecate is one hell of a hot dog and I absolutely love that her CA is just her getting mad at the lack of attention from the captain.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PostM_GB
Discord: https://discord.gg/zZp9UbjSce

Where to play Granblue Fantasy: http://granbluefantasy.jp/en/
#Granblue #Granbluefantasy #グランブル


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