[Granblue Fantasy] Hope from a Snowdrop. Opening

[Granblue Fantasy] Hope from a Snowdrop. Opening

The Astrals wished to bring their radiance into the Sky Realm by overtaking it.
Skydwellers yearned for weapons powerful enough to eliminate this threat. The finest smiths of the land responded by forging accursed demon blades imbued with terrible lament and grief.
But once the invading Astrals were pushed out of the realm, these demon blades had nothing left to cut. Or at least that’s how it should have been.
Devoid of an enemy, the demon blades continue to thirst and seek new wielders and prey. These foul weapons spare neither slayer nor slain, leaving both engulfed in pain and bereft of any hope for the future.

Japanese voice acting/English subtitles

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Granblue Fantasy wiki: https://gbf.wiki/

#HopeFromASnowdrop #GBF #Krelkulkil #Sevilbarra


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