[GBF] Cucouroux (Summer) Showcase – Osiris Full Auto (3:22)

[GBF] Cucouroux (Summer) Showcase – Osiris Full Auto (3:22)

Ougi/C.A Turned Off.

Haven’t tested in HL, but in terms of FA: Cucouroux isn’t anything game changing. She doesn’t really bring anything new or unique, but she’s a fairly solid unit. It’s nice to have a character that doesn’t require anything you need to build around or takes time to ramp up. In shorter fights, Cucoroux just works, especially in skill-orienated parties.There’s probably better options in longer fights, such as Lucio, but for short ones like Osiris, I don’t think she’s bad. She generates a fair amount of damage, provides skill/DMG supplement and 100%/30% crit. It’s unfortunate her echo passive is Side A, but if you’re not using Mugen or Falsehood, it’s still nice to have.

I turned off ougi in this case because of her Passive 2 (and ougi animations just take too long). Cucouroux will do an end turn nuke that does damage based off all her Aqua Tanks she depletes. To build Aqua Tank stacks you need to crit on normal attacks (up to 5). Anyone with double strike, like Makura, is helpful for building this. Cucoroux also pairs pretty nicely with Illnott (no, Illnott does not leave any of my FA parties), given her nukes and supplement buffs. Not to mention she has 3 red skills, so she’ll also help build up Illnott’s Heavenly Piece Stacks more quickly. Since her S3 is an auto attack without taking a turn, that means Illnott gets to do an extra nuke, too.


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