Orologia Showcase! Magna 3 vs Magna 3! – Granblue Fantasy 【グラブル】

Orologia Showcase! Magna 3 vs Magna 3! – Granblue Fantasy 【グラブル】

Oh God, she’s a little menace!
Her DMG isn’t really comparable to the likes of Seox, Magisa or Lich, but she does bring a ton of buffs!
Went in with 2x Celeste trying to trigger her autoheal too, which procced near the end of the fight.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PostM_GB
Discord: https://discord.gg/zZp9UbjSce

Where to play Granblue Fantasy: http://granbluefantasy.jp/en/
#Granblue #Granbluefantasy #グランブル


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